Monday, February 07, 2005


Orange. Orange. And once again orange. People reminded me constantly today that I had orange hair. One girl asked me if I knew that my hair was orange. I assured her I did. She was then asked if she knew her hair was brown.

I realized again how if you are kind to someone how far that kindness can go...the same goes for rudeness and the like. Today when I was worrying about Helen and I slipped up on some orders some people were kind and forgiving, others were not. But this is the life that we live, is it not? Yes. It is. I beat you to the answer!! Ha!!

I hope you all will have marvelous weeks!! I am shooting for the best week ever!!!! yeah, that's right.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey girl!!! last night, i had a dream about you. i dont remember very much of it, but i know that we had classes together, and then we went to visit my uncle in miami after school. not that i have one living there, but it seemed to be fun. and it reminded me the fact that its been a long time since i talked to you last. if you're home, i will try to call you this weekend. ok? i miss you. han