Saturday, September 30, 2006

Hey. This is my heart right now. Full of all of you. If you cannot find yourself then A) you haven't looked hard enough B) I did not have a readily accessible picture of you but still love you very much. My prayers are with you.

love. love. always love.


Anonymous said...

How nice. Our prayers are with you too. We love you and are very proud of you.


Robbie Falconer said...

Ha! I totallly am not in there, and i'm pretty sure you have a readily accessible picture of me somewhere. Leaving me with only one recourse: creating two more categories besides the A and B you mentioned.

C) Your just so cool that when melon tried to put you in the heart, your picture kept beating up all the other ones.
D) Melon hates you.

I haven't decided which one I fall under yet.

lauren said...

i love you too!