Thursday, June 21, 2007

tagged by my brotha


  1. I met one of my oldest dearest friends at my brothers baseball game...she had My Little Pony I had to join in...
  2. I have a weird puffy scar on my knee I got when I was three or four. I got it at the park after running around in circles after a dog.
  3. By August 12th I will have moved five times in twelve and a half months.
  4. I am known at several coffee shops as that girl that gets a medium sized chai. can you think of a better claim to no where near fame??
  5. I made a pact towards the end of my freshmen year with my four closest friends that we would go to the island of nantucket for our senior spring break (we weren't interested in the drinking and such scene of most spring breaks, we wanted to do something meaningful ) We promised that even if we weren't friends anymore, we'd all end up there for that spring break...the next winter they were all still friends but I was not...senior year I graduated early...they did not. I do not know if they went to nantucket but i didn't have spring I don't really know...
  6. I ate too much honey dew melon at Louhelen Baha'i School so that I am now allergic to it. We only ate what was left in the fridge from the sessions and the chef went on a throwing all food out kick so we only had fruit for a while. I ate an entire honey dew melon for dinner one night. My throat gets extremely scratchy when I eat it now and the feeling lasts for the next day or two.
  7. I have written songs about bathrooms, brushing hair, pasta, coffee, writing songs, israel, among other things...


Kate said...

Hey! I think the same thing happened to me with strawberries. Now everytime I eat them they taste fizzy and make my stomach hurt.

Anonymous said...

haha... i like your claim to no where near fame!

Andrew said...

Awesome list, Melon!! I'd love to hear some of your songs sometime...Do share! Are any of them about Ponyata?

mykgerard said...

Bathroom! sing Bathroom!