things that have happened:
- i got a pet rat. her name is may.
- i can now say that i have driven, as in actually sitting in the driver's seat, for 15 hours in one day. woohoo!!
Now, several people have expressed interest in those I am serving with. Here is my description of the order of their departure.
Nava: Nava is the youth who trained me in the ways of the office. She was only here for about a week while I was here. She was lots of fun. A bit crazy. We found out while playing apples to apples that we think a lot alike. Those of you who have played the game can see how lucky that was for our pointage. Nava lives in Ann Arbor now and the remaining youth here are detrimined to go and visit.
Neda: Neda left August 9th with Farid, Hamid, and Rob. She was able to give me lots of advice and soothe many worries. She seemed to be able to read just what it was I was thinking. I was sad to see her go.
Farid: He was the first youth who I met on that thunderous night. He was always so kind and loving towards me and always managed to make me laugh with ridiculous stories! On their last night, all the youth went to archies (not nearly as awesome as chubby's) and ate tons of food! During that time, Farid was able to give me lots of advice. Very lovely.
Rob: Rob, oh Rob. I met Rob a while ago at a Y.O.U. retreat at Darajun's. We both recongized each other but didn't say anything about it for a few days. A bit awkward. I miss how randomly Rob would burst out into laughter.
Hamid: Ahh, Hamid! Funny how close we became in such a short while. I miss him so much. He is fantastic. We had crazy times and have so many funny goals to achieve together. We have the same sleep number...but Hamid sucks at life...
Nick: This guy broke his arm in his first month of being at Louhelen. I took him to get his cast off, quite a momentous occassion...that arm stank up the room when that cast came off!! phew!! Nick and I had some adventures..mostly trying to find the elusive rite-aid that this darn witch (who was obsessed with graveyards "ooh! a graveyard?!") was hiding from us.
Hector: Hector. How I miss thee. I am hoping so badly that he really is going to be coming back in december. We tried to find the Eggleston's gravesite and failed rather horribly. We did get sore feet though, and some great photos of roadkill. Also, Hector always had an Ernie with him, oh Ernie. Always getting into trouble! Two things I love about hector: He always made his food into a piece of art. Honestly, you almost didn't want him to eat it it was so nice. Secondly, I made a joke (those of you who know me well, can really appreciate this, it was one of those jokes where I only say half of what i'm thinking) and hector paused...and then laughed!! he laughed! he got it!!! i was so shocked and happy. Oh! We also went into a fireplace store together. That was weird.
Melody: My two most potent memories of Melody are her singing constantly and her climbing a tree and falling on her feet and tumbling over onto her bum. quite a classic moment.
Lua: Lua and I bonded like none otha! We even share a shirt (ooh...i really need to send that!). we made a list of things we need to do together some of which includes: going to shiraz's wedding and sharing an apartment. On her last night we made mac&cheese, popcorn with cinnamin (bad call, don't ever do that!) and watched two movies. Movies that we didn't start until 11:00 pm. Then we talked until very very early in the morning. Resulting in a 3.5 hour sleep. rock on!
Amanda: Amanda! Turns out Amanda andI have been going to the same conference for about 4 years and never realized it. Now we have a book club together. She loves David Bowie and the Princess Bride. I miss that girl.
Cheyne: The eligable bachelor. Cheyne was my partner in crime in the office. It was really nice even if he just did come in on the weekends. He was a big help. He grew up in St. Lucia so he has a sweet accent. I'm sad that tomorrow is his last day. I want him to come back. Hopefully he will.
Chris: Um. Yeah, I don't even know what to say about this guy. Well, he really likes to see me blush, because apparently right before I blush I make this hilarious face. But whatev! I made him blush today. ha!
Eli: Eli...he is very nice to me and likes to call me Mad-lion. He often asks me what the lion ever did to do I respond to this? I do not trust Eli's taste in movies at all. His choices must be confirmed by Chris. Eli was born and raised in Israel. Good times. I've heard...
Athol: The tall Jamaican. Great tag-lines of his. "Thats so stupid!" "Ah, so annoying!" I love his sense of humor, its the best. And we can relate on different levels, which is nice. His dances!! Those are the best!!!!!!
Seowah: My roommate. We have a theme song...but I can't remember what it all...we have lots of plans to knit lots during the winter. Sometimes I think I am too crazy for her. hmm..probably because I am crazy.