Thursday, June 15, 2006

Nothing but my mind leaking

someday i wish to hear a quote that has come from your mouth

someday i will tie your shoe and it will stay tied

someday you will drive five and a half hours to see me and it will be just as awkward

once in a while it will feel like i'm on a roller coaster, even when i'm just sitting with you

once in a while you will miss me

i regret you don't have my shoes

i regret that i ripped it up

if anyone ever finds digimon socks, please, send them my way. i love my digimon socks. i would like to love two pairs even more.

quote of the night "it kinda smells like vomit."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ahh, lemme just say, this post is brilliant.
someday maddie. someday.
well. im going to miss you little moosh khor. oh are not a moosh khor..that was malibu. i hope you aren't a moosh khor. you are a little moosh though. okay.