Thursday, October 13, 2005

Starbucks...and other evil things

I like Starbucks. Let me just say that from the start. However, if i have the choice between starbucks and an independently owned coffee house...i pick the latter.

Well, I had a nice little adventure while in Tucson Arizona. Sarah and I were on our way to a good friend's going away party. We knew the party would go late and since my body was in a time zone two hours later...we thought we should get some coffee before heading out. We go to starbucks. Now, I am wearing my "Join the Revolution Shirt" and sarah is wearing her "Stand back! I'm changing the world shirt!" Great combo when out in public, right? Haha.

So the barista asks us what we are fighting for. We both laugh and mention the baha'i faith. Sarah orders. He says he has a friend who is a Baha'i but doesn't know a lot about it. I order. He asks if I will explain it to him. A cop comes up behind me and the other barista says, "The usual?" he nods. Anyway, I start talking about the baha'i faith when a cup of coffee is placed in front of me.

This is where my brain shuts off. So caught up in my conversation...I reach down for the coffee, not even realizing that I ordered an ICED coffee and this was CLEARLY hot. I lifted it to my lips and did the thing I ALWAYS do with hot coffee, i blew in it. As soon as I do I realize my mistake...that this isn't my coffee. That this is the police man's coffee. and i have just blown in it.



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

awsome story. i love how it just ends, and you don't find out what happened next.... or not.... ::heart!::

Anonymous said...

hahahahaha!!! This is awesome. This is why I love the way you blog. And also...if you ever want to move to Andropolis, we could sure-as-hello use that kind of blogiber (blogging ability + caliber) here.

Miss B said...

dear maddy,
i love your stories. you need to make a trip to chicago and tell me more stories.
much love,

Anonymous said...

I expect a second installment. How was arizona?

Anonymous said...

i am sure the cop wasn't too upset. cause you are such a moosh.
and in any case its good that sarah had her shirt on to let him know that he best stand back.

Anonymous said...

the ending......I sent the bail.

Anonymous said...

what was it we saw/did that was blog-worthy just recently.... i felt like we talked about it while we were going to chipotle... or something....? but remember it and BLOG it! hahahahahah!