Monday, February 19, 2007

Moving, its my new hobby

That's right. Three moves in seven months! How awesome, and not at all stressful, is that?! Plus, I'm going home really in two days from now. That's really all I have to say...except that in case anyone is concerned my tail bone is almost all the way healed. Yay!

Neda and me all dressed up during intermission of Respect-a musical written by a Baha'i Dr.

This is when we went to the hookah bar. Ahang & Neda
Char and I attempt to read Ahang's palm

And apparently his palm was really funny...I don't remember why

Then Ahang got on the phone, trying to hurry up his phone conversation, Neda took many photos...


Anonymous said...

eee! I can't wait to see you!

Andrew said...

It's really interesting how this YOS is accustoming you to hardships. I don't know if you can see it from your vantage point, but growth is just radiating from ya. Trite, maybe, but God does work in mysterious ways!

Anonymous said...

palms are one of the funniest parts of the human body.