Saturday, November 06, 2004

Jolt of Joe

As soon as I start thinking about my job, and the bad joe I have to serve, and how my life has turned boring, and how I am boring...I get a jolt. Of course that's the perfect time to get a reality check. How self centered am I? how awful? I feel the heart in me ripping apart. Multiply that by a thousand and maybe you will have the sound, the sensation about what pain is. But even a thousand seems to small, too insufficient.

I want to save you from these currents but I can't. I can't swim them well enough myself.

"Pain is only valuable once you know that you've learned from it."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! I can post anonymously now! Why are you boring?! Why is life boring?! What's going on?! Why is the coffee crappy?! Why do I keep writing "?!" at the end of all of these sentences?!


P.S. I would really appreciate answers to all of my questions. Thanks.