Saturday, August 05, 2006

“The secret of happiness is the determination to be happy always, rather than wait for outer circumstances to make one happy.”

8:00-fall out of bed, throw on some pants and a button up shirt, this is my daily charade of acting like i am dressed for the day. eat food.

9:00-devotions, sit in back so no one will hear me singing.

9:30-go to session, sit in back so no one is disturbed in case i have to leave/work/run errands, usually to target/relax, this means reading and listening to music, possibly doing laundry

12:00-make phone calls to make time go by before lunch

12:15-12:30-lunch, huzzah! time for my gross dandelion tea. maybe we will have the best veggie patties in the world!!!! for serious, so good.

2:30-work/relax (sometimes both)

6:00-dinner! yay for fruit plates and salad.

11:00-dorm, if there is a session i must scurry to room 111B lest i get caught by john or lewylln/hang out with youth

1:00-1:30-go to sleep after talking with Seowah

repeat as needed